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♥♡Raystorm 的观叶植物♡♥

发表于 2007-1-19 14:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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植物名称可能有异 ,中国/台湾。
 楼主| 发表于 2007-1-19 14:05 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 Raystorm 于 2009-8-24 14:32 编辑

Anthurium Jungle Bush  - 密林丛花烛

 楼主| 发表于 2007-1-19 14:06 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 Raystorm 于 2009-8-24 14:34 编辑



作者: 马月华  

密林王花烛(Anthurium Jungle King)多年生常绿草本植物,为近年推出的新品种。叶基生斜出,革质,长约80厘米,青绿色,全缘,呈波状,叶柄短而粗壮。

    密林丛花烛(Anthurium Jungle Bush)多年生常绿草本植物,为近年推出的新品种。形状与密林王花烛相似,但叶片比其狭长,通常约100厘米,宽约25厘米。

    水晶花烛(Anthurium crystallinum)多年生常绿草本植物。又称美叶花烛、水晶红掌、银脉安祖花,原产于哥伦比亚及秘鲁。茎短缩,叶片向外斜下弯曲,阔卵圆状椭圆形或心形,幼时紫色,后叶面丝绒状绿色,叶背淡玫红色,叶脉银白色,叶柄长,约40厘米。佛焰苞片弯曲,肉穗花序黄绿色。

    圆叶花烛(Anthurium clarinervium)多年生常绿草本植物。又称克拉利安祖花,原产墨西哥。心形叶,宽12~20厘米,墨绿色,叶面有丝绒样光泽,叶脉银灰色。佛焰苞窄而尖,绿褐色带紫晕,肉穗花序绿褐色。



 楼主| 发表于 2007-1-19 14:07 | 显示全部楼层
Calathea - 五色葛鬱金 / 竹芋

Scientific Name: Calathea roseopicta
Ornamental Features: Round leaves with a solid magenta underside with
two-tone green top.

Habit and Growth Rate: A low growing heavily suckering plant.
Grows to a height of 20 to 24 inches and a width of 24 to 30 inches.
Landscape Value: Very versatile. Stands up well to interior conditions.
Culture: Keep humidity level above 65%. Use an acidic, well-draining soil.
 楼主| 发表于 2007-1-19 14:07 | 显示全部楼层
Calathea Zebrina  - Zebra Plant 竹竽...斑葉

Calathea zebrina or Zebra plant, a native of Brazil, is an interesting plant for the home or greenhouse. Plants reach 3 feet in containers. Leaves emerge from basal rosettes and may reach 2 feet long by 1 foot wide.

Blooming Time: Spring. Flowers are inconspicuous.

Culture: Calathea zebrina need shade and temperatures above 55°, but they need good light for a good, rich leaf color. We use a soil mix consisting of 2 parts peat moss to 1 part loam to 2 parts sand or perlite. Good drainage is necessary or the plant will stagnate, which is a common problem. The plants should be kept moist at all times and leaves should be misted often. Fertilize every 2 weeks during the growing season and once a month during the winter months. Repot as often as necessary to avoid root bound conditions.

产地及习性 原产于南美洲热带地区,在世界上栽培广泛。性喜温暖、湿润、半阴的环境条件,耐高温高湿,要求疏松、排水良好、腐殖质丰富的土壤条件。

形态特征及用途 竹芋属于多年生常绿宿根草本植物。块状根茎肉质粗大,白色,末端膨大呈纺锤形,具有较宽的三角状鳞片。茎直立高可达1m以上,具有分枝。叶片基生或茎生,有长柄,叶柄基部鞘状,叶片卵状矩圆形或卵圆披针形,先端渐尖,有光泽,叶片绿色或带有青色,叶背面颜色较淡。总状花序顶生,小花白色,花期秋季。   竹芋叶形优美,叶色多变,是优良的小型观叶植物,多作室内盆载观赏,可全年观赏,是室内装饰的理想材料。

栽培 夏季将竹芋放置在遮荫的环境下养护,否则引起植株徒长;其余季节放在室内散射光比较充足的地方养护。




繁殖 竹芋主要采用分株法繁殖。在春季4~5月份结合换盆进行,选取生长健壮的植株,一株分为几株,每小株上保留2~3个芽,然后上盆培养即可。竹芋还可以用顶插法在间歇喷雾下生根繁殖,齐土面割取8~10cm长、具有3片以上叶片的插条,剥去叶鞘,插入插床,4~6周生根后上盆,并放于阴凉处。

病虫害 病害主要有叶斑病、软腐病、锈病、根腐病、茎腐病等。常见的虫害有介壳虫、红蜘蛛、粉蚧、线虫等。

介绍 竹竽 [来源] 中国科协信息中心提供
 楼主| 发表于 2007-1-19 14:08 | 显示全部楼层

名 稱:山蘇花、臺灣山蘇花、鳥巢蕨
學 名:Asplenium antiquum Aspleniumnidu
科  屬:鐵角蕨科
用 途:附植蛇木板、盆栽、花材、食用
特 性:蕨類植物。


 楼主| 发表于 2007-1-19 14:10 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2007-1-19 14:13 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2007-1-19 14:15 | 显示全部楼层
大葉蔓綠絨 / 箭葉蔓綠絨

學 名:Philodendron cv.

科 屬:天南星科


用 途:室內盆栽

特 性:多年生草本。

 楼主| 发表于 2007-1-19 14:15 | 显示全部楼层

Philodendron care
Most Philodendrons are native to the jungles of tropical America, and as such, prefer the medium light intensity they would have on the jungle floor. They will tolerate low light, but if there is too little light, the new leaves will develop smaller, and farther apart on the stem. On the other hand, direct sunlight will burn the foliage, and stunt the growth of the plant.
Keep the soil evenly moist, but allow it to dry out between waterings. Keep them slightly drier during the winter months, when the growth slows. Over watering will cause the leaves to turn yellow. Under watering will cause the leaves to turn brown and fall off. Feed your Philodendron in the spring and again in mid summer with a liquid house plant fertilizer.
The ideal temperature range is between 75 and 85 degrees F. during the day and in the 60's at night. They will survive for a short time in temperatures as low as 36 degree F.

Repotting Philodendrons
Philodendrons grow best when their roots are slightly cramped, (but not too cramped), so don't plant them in a pot which is too large. When the roots begin to compact into a tight ball, the plant should be repotted into a planter which is 2-3 inches larger. Repotting should be done in late winter or spring, before the plant begins active growth.
Good drainage is essential, so if there are no drainage holes, be sure to fill the bottom of the pot with clean stones or broken crockery. Use a good commercial potting soil or a mixture consisting of equal parts of loam, sand and peat moss, with some chopped charcoal and broken crocks or brick added. Newly potted plants need to be carefully watered during the first month or so, to be certain that the roots don't dry out completely. Never allow the soil to become saturated or soggy. It's especially beneficial to spray their leaves of newly planted Philodendrons two or three times a day.
It is a good idea to add a moss stake or other type of pole to the planter at the time of repotting if this is a climbing or vining type of Philodendron. As the plant grows, it will need some sort of support. The are several types of plant poles available at garden centers.
Some types of Philodendrons produce aerial roots which will cling to whatever support they find. These roots should NOT be cut off completely, but they can be trimmed back if they become too long, or die. It is best to attach these roots to the support pole, or lead them back to the pot where they may grow into the soil.
Philodendrons will tolerate the level of humidity found in most homes, but high humidity promotes lush growth and shiny foliage, so it is a good idea to mist the plant regularly. Wash the leaves regularly to prevent the pores from becoming plugged with dust.

Propagation is by stem cuttings, or air layering, or by offsets, depending on the type of philodendron grown.
Pieces of stem that contain at least two joints can be inserted as cuttings in pots of sandy soil or in a mixture of sand and peat moss. The pots should be kept at 70-75 degrees F., and shaded from direct sun until they are well rooted.
Trailing varieties will often root at any point where the stem comes in contact with the soil. Pin the stem securely onto the soil in a separate pot with a hairpin or bent wire. It will be rooted in 4-8 weeks, and you may then sever the new plant from the parent.
Offsets are new plants which emerge from the base of the plant or from the roots themselves. Once an offset has a sufficient root system to support itself, it can be removed from the parent, by cutting it off with a sharp clean knife.
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